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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

Wisdom Business Academy - May 2013
Foundation - Part Time Batch Presents:
EVOCO - Draw out yourselves, recall to the colors!!!

After 6 months of untiring efforts, fun, laugh and everything, finally the end has arrived for us to say goodbye to our CIMA - Foundation journey. After this, maybe some would join full time, some would do in one session lapse, or even some would STOP CIMA. So, it's time for all of us to meet and bid farewell to our journey of six months and have fun like we never had... And this isn't going to be just another typical event, there's fun as much as you all desire...
More Photos to Follow!!!
Photographed By : Randil Dimuth
Official Photographer at

Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!

Photographed By : Diyani Shashinika
Official Photographer at

Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!

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